bike and bike and bike and bike and patch and bike and patch and hitch and patch and bike and walk and patch and patch and bike and walk and fix and patch and bike and patch and bike and deal with cops, and bike and patch...

29 June 2007

...and then there were four...

Just a brief note to keep our legions of adoring fans up to date. Jean & Muffin have headed back to oly. It was a sudden decision that took us all by suprise, but just after we crossed the rockies they both caught the amtrak back west to olympia.

we were all shocked, but are resolute to carry on. we all cut the day short staying in east glacier for the night and collectively working through our abandonment issues with beer, mexican food, and a night in a hostel. rare luxuries on this tour. 45 miles down the road in cut back, taking our mid-day break in Cut Bank, we'll be off again soon hoping to cover another 30 miles or so this afternoon / evening.


WANTED: 1 acrobalance team flyer and base; 1 juggler passing ability a plus
actually we're always looking for more talented folks to come along

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