bike and bike and bike and bike and patch and bike and patch and hitch and patch and bike and walk and patch and patch and bike and walk and fix and patch and bike and patch and bike and deal with cops, and bike and patch...

12 September 2007

back in cascadia

where to begin...chronologially i suppose...crammed into a van wasn't so bad with such good people...we met even more great folks along the way...layfatte indiana had a pretty good turnout for our little teach-in and were especially sweet in kicking down some bucks...the next morning we descended on an office of one of tose evil profiteering corporations pushing the i-69 highway project and we successfully delayed the one guy in the office from working for about 5 minutes before we hit the road for chicago...chicago was a smaller turnout but we did get to stay with some awesome folks 'the lowercase collective' props to them...then on to minneapolis where we participated in the pReNC weekend...lots of anarchists were present strategizing for the 2008 republican nat'l convention in st. paul...props again to our awesome hosts Julia also the Guns & Vegans house...we got to participate in fnb and a shut down of a meeting of the board of regents of the U of M...many of the workers at the U are on strike...getting back to the NW was an adventure too...we waited in a wooded area for nearly 24 hours before the right train stopped for us...then 3 days in the well of a freight train car...the first night waas the worst wind and rain with not cover excempt the tarp we struggled to keep from blowing away...there were lots of times i fought the urge to jump off the train especially in glacier national park or to visit the kids in spokane...leaving spokane we headd sw and i was convinced we were headed to portland...we slept through the mountain passes so it wasn't until i saw the sign that said everett that i knew we were headed to seattle...lilia took a little bit of a fall as the train was still moving when we got off in sodo seattle...buses then puyallup, where i write this from...lilia rode ahead and is in oly while i stay behind and help my parents out with some renovations at their house...that's the update


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