bike and bike and bike and bike and patch and bike and patch and hitch and patch and bike and walk and patch and patch and bike and walk and fix and patch and bike and patch and bike and deal with cops, and bike and patch...

20 July 2007


we must be in a hip town i'm blogging at a tattoo parlor at 11pm. We just had delicious Thai food and lilia's the only one who's gotten any beer. mmmmmm......
Biking in cities is scary. We were lucky to have a bike trail for a good 100 miles or so. Micah got lost one night and followed a dirt road for fifteen miles and got three flat tires.
We are expecting more bike paths out of here. yey!!! Also we got to go.
Post comments!


Anonymous said...

so... ryan is in wisconsin now. inbetween minneapolis and madison. so you all should give him a call. he'll be there for a few weeks or so.

hope all is well

Anonymous said...

poor bella's front rim is all to the wobbles, gf roads are a nightmare...should be gettin more monies nesy week, 1000 to go and goodbye fine. All is falling into place. Did the msp contacts work?