bike and bike and bike and bike and patch and bike and patch and hitch and patch and bike and walk and patch and patch and bike and walk and fix and patch and bike and patch and bike and deal with cops, and bike and patch...

25 August 2007

if you plan to be a vagabond

if you plan to be a vagabond the first thing you must do is throw planning out the window. sad happenings; ghost, tyger's beloved bike, was stolen and he has traveled back to the NW. lilia has, herself, become homesick and has determined to head back west also. none of this was in the plan, but how do you plan being absolutely free? i stand at a crossroads..which path do i walk? the one less traveled by? hardly, another poet speaks more to my soul on the matter:

Oh what do you do, poor Angus,
when hunger makes you cry?
"I fix myself an omelet, sir,
of fluffy clouds and sky."

Oh what do you wear, poor Angus,
when winds blow down the hills?
"I sew myself a warm cloak, sir,
of hope and daffodils."

Oh who do you love, poor Angus,
when Catherine's left the moor?
"Ah, then, sir, then's the only time
I feel I'm really poor"

-Shel Silverstein

As it is the decisions been made for me, I will begin heading west in a few days with lilia, first by car as a part of an informational tour about interstate 69 then hopping freight trains the rest of the way to the coast. though don't be fooled, it is not our intention o get bogged down, but to keep on riding possibly south along the coast, any takers?



Anonymous said...

my timing is always so fucking bad!
mayhaps see you on the coast then.
p.s. sorry for lack of contact.

N. F. Voliov said...

It's not the greatest of places, but I do offer a safe space on the floor along with me, if any so happen to choose or need. I just hope this is not some conclusion of your journeys.