bike and bike and bike and bike and patch and bike and patch and hitch and patch and bike and walk and patch and patch and bike and walk and fix and patch and bike and patch and bike and deal with cops, and bike and patch...

23 August 2007

action packed bloomington

lilia and i are staying with friends in bloomington, at first we didn't know anyone only that we were to stay with the housemates of our friend lucy who at the time was still out and about travelling...we've quickly develpoed fast friendship as you do when working for altruistic goals with people. aside from having fun sneaking into swimming pools, spinning fire, and eating good food we've been working the EarthFirst! front. lilia and i both got our names in the newspaper for doing ground support at a treesit in the state forest and we had a surprisingly easy victory the other day in shutting down a meeting of state/local government and business interests divying up "grant"(bribe) money to local politicos. since are plan has been to stay in bloomington for 3 weeks(in total) i almost got a job at a local bike shop, but wound up blowiong it off due to conflicts with the forest defense campaign. i don;t regret my decision, jobs suck, and i made almost 90 bucks in three hours at the farmers market. bloomington is full of great folks and if you don't know what you're doing nex t spring/summer consider coming to indiana to help stop the e victions of families, destruction of forests, farms and communities, and the NAFTA superhighway i-69. this road will never be built!


read the infoshop article

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