bike and bike and bike and bike and patch and bike and patch and hitch and patch and bike and walk and patch and patch and bike and walk and fix and patch and bike and patch and bike and deal with cops, and bike and patch...

07 August 2007

the post without a name

consistently unexpectedly awesome, that's the best i can describe our trip. the last few days have found us along beautiful bike paths...a totally new environment, we aren't in the same midwest...a gorgeous, spacious apartment in chicago...hooked up by the rat patrol...we visited an impressive ba'hai temple...experienced an urban thunderstrom complete with shocking bursts of lightning over the city's skyline at sunset...and the most random occurrence of stumbling upon a presidential debate...we (kaite, lilia, & i) actually saw all 7 of the main democratic contenders at a AFL-CIO sponsored forum that was aired live on msnbc...alas, we didn't raise a ruckus, union folks tend to be gregarious, nice folks...sadly we will be parting ways soon...temporarily...Micah is catching a train to boston to visit family...kaite a train back west to get zir commitments resolved so ze can join us down the road...tyger & jc be headed east to cleveland...and lilia & i are travelling south to bloomington indiana to pitch in with the efforts to stop i-69...all , save kaite, will be back together first week of september...


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